"I met Alex and Nina back in 2004. They also participated in one of my courses in Mexico. There I noticed their passion for horsemanship and their great respect and feel for horses and humans. Since then our paths crossed many times; it is always a pleasure to meet them again. Both Alex and Nina are on a constant look out to keep learning. Nina visited us in Texas in the fall of 2012. Their knowledge is profound and they also enjoy to share it."
DVM. Alfonso Aguilar
"I would like to take a minute to recommend Alex Zell as a horseman in Germany who has dedicated himself to studying the horsemanship traditions of old California. I have worked with Alex and his wife Nina for several years now and they are both accomplished riders who keep the health and welfare of the horses foremost in their train program. I have not only had Alex as a student but have gotten to watch him teach and have been very pleased with how he explains things to students. He is also continually studying and learning and then passing that information on to others. Alex is one of the very few teachers in Europe who really understand not only the training philosophy of California horsemanship but also the culture that was so critical to the development of the California bridle horse."
Jeff Sanders
Danke euch beiden. Alex ich habe es auch gerade Jeff gesagt, dadurch das wir uns nicht abgesprochen haben und jeder so viel gebündeltes Wissen hervorgebracht hat, hat sich mein Horizont wieder extrem erweitert! Danke Danke Danke.
Wolfgang Krischke, Hofreitmeister der Fürstlichen Hofreitschule, auf facebook nach dem Seminar in Bückeburg
Für Nina & Alex
Mit Dank für die Anweisungen der Bosalanwendung.
Bent Branderup - Widmung in seinem Buch, welches er uns nach unserem Besuch geschenkt hat